miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Discover Your Path to Success - Part 1

Discover Your Path to Success - Part 1

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To many people, success is a "fairytale" and as elusive as a Yeti. In reality, success is just around the corner, and sometimes already exists, as hidden treasure.

health, healthy, fitness, fit, motivation, motivate, motive, sle improvement, self, improve, success, successful, time, goal, goals

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Success can easily be compared to the "genie trapped in a bottle." For many of us, it is a matter of finding a way to open the bottle, and then, follow a specific path. This path is filled with pitfalls, and traps, along the way, so it is wise to expand your vision by learning as you go.

To many people, success is a "fairytale" and as elusive as a Yeti. In reality, success is just around the corner, and sometimes already exists, as hidden treasure. I am not talking about sunken ships or Indiana Jones. What I am referring to are skills you already possess, friends and family who will help you, and accomplishments that you already have made.

When you put these hidden treasures, together, with your end goal in mind, you are on your way toward success. Now let's look at a way to move forward every day, live a quality life, and help everyone around you, in the process.

Write all of your goals down, and keep them in a place that you will see. This could be on a piece of paper in your pocket, on your desk top, in a notebook, in your diary, or on your palm pilot. Wherever you put this information, it should be a place where you will see it, every day.

Separate realistic from lofty goals, but don't throw lofty goals out. Also, separate short-term goals, from long-term goals, and design estimated time frames, for measured results. You don't have to share this with anyone, unless they share the same goal. If you have, at least, one close friend, spouse, or family, who shares the same dream, you are in a very strong position.

However, you don't need to be a "politician" to be successful, if you learn to focus on your goals, every day. Now we have to go over a few questions that will also help you design your road map toward success.

Will your goals hurt anyone? Will you have to step on anyone to get what you want?

If you answered yes to either one of the above questions, you should redefine your goal or goals, so you can achieve it or them without harming anyone in the process. If that is not possible, throw that goal out, and move on. Your goals should help people and be morally sound.

Do you have a real passion for your goals?

This one is also important because, if your goal is "flipping burgers" for money, it won't be long, before that gets old. I have yet to meet the person, who has a real passion for flipping burgers. Please don't get me wrong, some people are very good at it, but I have known many short order cooks, who wish they were doing something else besides "slaving" over a hot stove.

What you choose, must be something you love doing, and the money will follow. There are so many people, who craft an occupation, based upon money alone, and learn to regret it. If you have a purpose in life you have "self-worth." Self-worth is a very valuable hidden treasure.


Discover Your Path to Success – Part 4

Discover Your Path to Success – Part 4

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As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the "new age" movement.

health, healthy, fitness, fit, motivate, motivation, self, improve, improvement, self improvement, discover, discovering, path

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In Part Three, I promised we would get into the resources. Before we do, however, let's discuss a treasure that most of us have been exposed to, but don't take nearly enough time out of our day to focus on – the power of prayer. This may offend some people, but I hope it does not; as that is not
my intent.

As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the "new age" movement.

However, there are a large number of children growing up with no spiritual guidance at all. There are many reasons, and excuses, for this, but a large portion of this generation of children could grow up, out of touch, with their spiritual health.

Always remember that "whole health" deals with mind, body, and spirit, as they are interconnected. If these three components are healthy, you are in good shape at any age.

What does this have to do with success? Well, God does make the ultimate ally. Your prayers do honor God's presence - by giving thanks, and asking for help, in times of need. You will feel much better, and prayer applies to every religion.

Personally, the importance does not lie in what religion you are; however, a lack of religion does seem to run parallel with depression. This is classified as spiritual illness, which will have a negative effect on you mentally, physically, or totally.

The concept of God does not apply to all religions, but the concept of prayer does. If you try it, you will heal from the inside - out.

The following resources start from classics that my Grandfather gave to me as a child.

The Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill - 1928

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie - 1936

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill - 1937

The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale – 1952

All of these books can be found in audio format, which makes them very
handy, especially if you are commuting in your car. Each of these books can
also be found on my desk, or in the book case, in my office. Over the years, I had to replace some of the old books my Grandfather gave me, as the worn pages separated from the bindings.

I extend my apologies to the many other great authors, who I did not list; that would be a very large book, within itself. The fact is - this is a good starting point before venturing out and discovering the hidden treasures in print, eBooks, or audio books.

Now you have the last hidden treasures to carve your own path to success. If you put these principles into action, there is no way you can fail. May your journey be a pleasant and safe one.


martes, 21 de junio de 2011

Discover Little Known Secrets for Successful Living!

Discover Little Known Secrets for Successful Living!

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Discover how to make your own good luck. Not the kind of luck that will enable you to win a fortune in some casino, but real luck… the kind of luck that puts you in the right place at the right time to achieve what you set out to achieve…

motivation,talking e-book,self help,successful living,achievement,happyness,love,joy,positive thinking,self improvement,stress,anxiety,depression,worry

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Being lucky in life is the result of putting yourself into action for good luck to happen to you. You've probably heard the statement "The harder I work the luckier I get". Another way of putting it is "Whatever you are ready for is ready for you."

Are you satisfied with your life, the job you have, or the amount of money you're making? Or are you not satisfied with the feeling that life is somehow passing you by? Chances are one of these reasons fits you because most people aren't satisfied with their lives, and usually one of those reasons is the cause.

Success is not a spectator sport, something that just happens before your eyes. It's an experience, a game that must be played to be enjoyed fully. You need to get involved with life. You'll need to get more involved with your family, friends, people you see every day. Because in that involvement, you'll find you have everything you need to succeed.

You have within you, right now, at this very moment, all that is necessary for you to become the happy, successful person you've always wanted to be. All you need to do is unlock the riches that have been locked away with-in you.

Are you ready for a more abundant and happier life? If you are, then you'll need to know how to put yourself into action to achieve it.

Consider these discoveries for successful living:

• Convert your hopes and dreams into physical reality. Train your inner vision to transcend outer world stimulation, and become a true master of your fate. An example of this is the experience of being immersed in a dream while sleeping and being certain that the dream is real. This apparent reality is brought on by the fact that the mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Thus this emphasizes the power belief has over the believer. "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

• Expect increased achievement and assured success. Unlock yourself from limitations of your own making due to impressions received from family, friends and associates. Break free to create new self-images formed from your own reasoned conviction. Don't fall into the trap of unreasoned convictions about yourself; belief in something about you that is not true is destructive. Remember the power belief has over the believer.

• Become a good friend to yourself, and stop trying to be perfect. Most children were brought up to do things the right way and it seemed that the natural way was always the wrong way. You were either right or wrong… there wasn't any in-between, and you started out wrong and had to learn to be right. Right was perfect, wrong was not, and as a result, you were trained to be perfect all the time.

You probably know that you can't be perfect, but you may have this deep down feeling that you ought to be. So you're not perfect, well welcome to the human race. Take a good look at yourself as you really are, you have a lot of good qualities, including some that other people haven't even seen yet. In fact, when you're honest with yourself, your good qualities outnumber and outweigh your shortcomings, don't they?

Visualize your future in dimensions of color, sound, and pulsating life. The objective here is to train your subconscious to obey you. In this way it will be possible for you to become free from frustration, failure, and even disease. That's when you will begin to stop letting things happen to you and instead start making things happen for you.  As you set out on the journey into your future, I wish you joy, and success beyond your hope and dreams, but above all, I wish you love.


Decisions, What You Haven't Been Told About Them

Decisions, What You Haven't Been Told About Them

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Have you ever sat there trying to make a decision yet, you just couldn't.
"If only I had more information, or a proverbial crystal ball", you think to yourself.
Many times when you are avoiding making a decision, it stems more from being afraid of making the wrong decision. This has become an epidemic in many places and organization. Yet, there is a solution.

Communication Training, Decision, Success, Entrepreneurs, Fear, Communication Mastery, Management

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Have you ever sat there trying to make a decision yet, you just couldn't.
If only I had more information, or a proverbial crystal ball, you think to yourself.
Many times when you are avoiding making a decision, it stems more from being afraid of making the wrong decision.

This has become an epidemic in many places and organization. This fear shuts down communication,

creates more challenges and generally comes with a high price tag.
"But what if my decision cost me or the company?" are words I hear people say.
So they want to analyze everything almost to the death of the original choice.
The fear of being wrong can cripple them into never succeeding.  Yet, it is ok to not get it right each time.

It is about learning and growth, just as you did as a child, It is ok.

I have seem organizations and governments hold off on decisions until they have taken the time to hire a committee to research, analyze and bring in data, even on smaller issues.  I have also seen committees come back with, that the results were inconclusive. So they shelf the idea and the opportunity has passed them by.

Now I would in no way promote people being reckless and choosing blindly, but there needs to be a time where you stand up and decide and let the chips fall where they may.

Let's look at how most successful entrepreneurs deal with decisions.  They make them. And they make them as quick as possible, often without all of the information in front of them. Through experience, they have learned to trust their instincts and have learned to communicate with themselves on the issues.
How did they get the experience?

Through making decisions and learning from their mistakes.  They often state that you need to "fall forward fast", learn what works and doesn't work, learn from your mistakes and move forward.

While others are waiting until everything is perfect, they are succeeding with a wealth of experience and understanding behind them.

Many successful corporations just got their product and service out there and fixed things along the way as they received the feedback from clients and customers.

There were others with similar products of a much higher quality, but they never succeeded because they waited for everything to be right, while the decision makers cornered the market.

It is important to remember that decision, create more decision. Once you decide something, it can lead you to make decisions that are more informed. It is the same principle as energy begets energy.  Getting started is the hardest motion, but once you get going the momentum increases and most things get easier.

If decisions still scare you start with something small and practice, practice, practice. Don't have regrets, just learn from them and move forward. It could be as simple as what to have for breakfast. Decide quickly and if it wasn't the best decision, so what, you learned something. Another meal is soon approaching giving you more opportunities to decide. Then expand to more and more important issues, while you discover your inner power and control over your own life.
Remember, you are already on your way. After all you decided to read this.


domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

Dare To Be Yourself, There's Nobody Like You

Dare To Be Yourself, There's Nobody Like You

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There's no need for you to imitate anybody else; they already exist. It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are at your best being yourself! The world needs you as you are, exactly as you are! Dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more you will dare. Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self in an ever expanding celebration of Life. Your life.

Yourself, freedom, unique, talents, key talents, daring, creation, Creator, celebration

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There's no need for you to imitate anybody else; they already exist. Do you want to be just like your colleague? If the Creator wanted two identical colleagues, then He would have created a copy of the first. If the Creator needed another person just like your neighbor, then He would have immediately created two of them. He never cloned somebody, so why would you? Every snowflake is different. Creation is not duplication.

Instead of copying an existing model, He created a whole new YOU! Why? Because He needs you to be just the way you are! Why bother and try to be somebody else?

Don't imitate others. Observe them, learn from them, but don't try to be like them. Learn their skills but then implement them in your own life and move forward on your own road. Because you are walking your own road, you cannot follow the footsteps of somebody else, nor can someone else walk your road for you. They have their road, you have yours.
Why did the Creator give all of us different fingerprints, different ears, different noses? Wouldn't it have been much easier for Him to make all of us out of a single mold? One model; no differences, no comparisons. He could have done it, but He didn't. Why not? Apparently He needs us to be individual. He needs us to be different. Certainly this fact adds to the pleasure of the game. If all the characters in the play were alike, then it wouldn't be much fun to watch. He surely likes us all to be different. And He surely needs us all to be different!

Given the undisputed fact that we are all different, why would you try to be like somebody else? Why change your looks or your body with plastic surgery? Why not be happy with the way you are? I'm not just talking about appearance, but also about talents. Character. Everybody is unique. While longing for talents you don't have, you are neglecting those talents that you do have. This is rather counter-productive, no? You have been gifted with a unique set of talents, so find out what they are and develop them.

There is no coincidence. Everything in the universe exists for a reason. You are not talented by accident! Neither is it haphazard that you don't have some talents you would like to have.
If you don't have a nightingale voice, you were not meant to sing. You can do something else with your life according to the talents you do have, and leave the singing to someone who is naturally equipped for that. If you have no acting talents, you should not act. If you weigh too much, you'd better start dreaming about something else than being a fashion model.

Another undisputed fact is that everybody is gifted with his or her own unique talents. Make no mistake! Talents are not only about activities like singing, acting, dancing, painting, writing or excellence in sports. Your unique talent could be your spontaneity, your enthusiasm, your connection with animals, caring for the disabled, your generosity, being a good teacher or public speaker, being a loving community member, or being a good problem solver. It could be your capacity to love, your natural joy, your brilliance, intelligence, easily assimilating new languages, radiating beauty, having a funny way of expressing yourself, making others laugh, kindness, tenderness, and many more. The list of possible talents is very, very long indeed…

What matters in the end is for you to be yourself, right? To be yourself is to find out what your unique talents are. Unique, you say? Others are spontaneous too! Plenty of people are generous or friendly. True, but your uniqueness lays in the combination of your key talents. Find out what your prominent talents are and how you can put them together. In the synergy and alignment of your key talents lies the beauty of your uniqueness.

It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are at your best being yourself! The world needs you as you are, exactly as you are! Dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more you will dare. Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self in an ever expanding celebration of Life. Your life.


Counting Your Chicken Before They Hatch!

Counting Your Chicken Before They Hatch!

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Have you ever heard the expression, "Do not count your chickens before they hatch?" Maybe an older, wiser individual would tell you this to keep you from getting ahead of yourself. Like buying a new car before you actually got that new job.  Well, when setting and obtaining your goals, you need to "Count your chicken before they hatch" in your mind. What I mean by this is you have to start seeing yourself completing or obtaining your goal. What you profess, you possess!

Success, motivation,like-minded people,goals,setting,today

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Have you ever heard the expression, "Do not count your chickens before they hatch?" Maybe an older, wiser individual would tell you this to keep you from getting ahead of yourself. Like buying a new car before you actually got that new job.  Well, when setting and obtaining your goals, you need to "Count your chicken before they hatch" in your mind. What I mean by this is you have to start seeing yourself completing or obtaining your goal. What you profess, you possess!

The first thing you need to do is sit down and set your goals. Diana Scharf Hunt said "Goals are dreams with deadlines." A lot of times, people are thrown off by the idea of taking the time to set their goals. But when you take a trip, do you not come up with a plan and ultimate destination. Well, setting goals is the same process. I suggest that you first do a Must Have, Why, How analysis.

First, write down a list of must haves; bigger home, luxury trips, new cars, work from home, etc. Then decide why these must haves are important to you and prioritize them. Lastly, write down how you are going to get the must haves.

Also, ask yourself these questions:

Why do I not have what I want now?
What are the tools and resources do I need?
What past experiences are in the way?
Who can I talk to that has already succeeded?
How am I paying for this?
What are the tradeoffs?
What am I going to give up?

From this analysis, start writing down you goals. Remember, without a start, there cannot be an ending. Denis Watley stated "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they do not define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."

Once finished writing your goals, next you need to start visualizing your dreams. Henry David Thoreau once said "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." You need image yourself accomplishing your goals and obtaining your treasures. Will yourself into succeeding. Never think that you cannot reach your desired results. Talk about the desires as if you have already obtained it. A good practice is to read your goals daily. If you are having a bad day, read them over and over.

Thirdly, you need to get the tools and resources to needed to accomplish your goals. Maybe you have decided to start a home-based business as a mechanism to consummate the acquiring of your dreams. Start gathering documentation on how to run your home-based business. Join service group that might help you. Take the step to start reaching your goals. Kathy Seligman said "You cannot hit a home run unless you step up to the plate. You cannot catch a fish unless you put your line in the water. You cannot reach your goals if you do not try." Get started today!!

The fourth point is to surround yourself with like-minded people. In the Bible, Jesus told one of his disciples, "Get behind me Satan." What he was saying was if you are not with me, you are against me. The same applies to you. Detach yourself from people who are negative towards you goals. If you are going to be rich, why not surround yourself with people who are already rich. David Joseph Schwartz once said "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success."

Lastly, and most importantly, do not be afraid of success. This phobia is the main reason most people fail. They make no preparation for succeeding. When they succeed, they do not know how to act. People start questioning their success. They start telling themselves that they do not deserve to be successful. And eventually, obtain what they profess. When you are setting your goals, make a plan for being successful. Tell yourself that you deserve to be successful and that you should procure your desires. Catherine Pulsifer best sums this up, "The unfortunate aspect about living life without your own goals is that you may very well reach a point in your life where you will wonder, what would have happened if I had only done..."
In closing, the first thing you need to do is start planning and setting your goals. Then you need start visualizing yourself completing your dreams. Also, you will need to get some tools and resources that will help you achieve you goals. And surround yourself with people who are positive and have the same goals as you do. And most importantly, prepare yourself for success. When the time comes, do not be afraid to be successful. Think about this, in the Bible Jesus said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." You need to start seeing yourself as attaining your goals. Act and talk as if you already have obtained them. Now get started!


domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Control Your Own Level of Motivation

Control Your Own Level of Motivation

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Do you want an inexpensive life coach? Discover a simple formula for keeping your moods upbeat.

health, fitness, healthy, motivation, control, level, levels, self improvement

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When I first mention this to most people, they really don't get it, so here is a simple formula for keeping your moods upbeat.

Audio books and music can be used as tools for motivation. The audio book is such a great motivational and learning tool, while you are commuting, or just out for a drive by yourself. I mention "by yourself" because, ideally, you should spend quality time with people in your car.

You can learn so much about life and a self-improvement audio book can keep you motivated all day long.

When I first started listening to audio books it was during commuter traffic through Providence and Boston. I would show up to meetings relaxed, with fresh ideas, and motivated. When people asked me the secret, I told them about the magic of audio books.

Most of them never asked me again, thought I was some strange eternal optimist, and never bothered to try an audio book.
Unfortunately, many people are slaves to stress, and don't want to change anything. They go about their lives with a perfect recipe for a heart attack and high blood pressure.

Here is the ultimate recipe for a very sad and short life. You must combine "running late" to work, high volume traffic, the daily latte, a high stress job, and show up barely on time or late.

Some people are, what I call, "mad at the world." They drive from one intersection to the next, making gestures at everyone. Some of these people can be helped, while others go through a daily cycle of frustration and even invite violence.

Now, let's get back to you. As long as you stay aware, you have control over your motivation, moods, and level of optimism. So, take charge by plugging yourself into positive energy with books, audio books, music, and positive people.



Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life.

Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life.

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Have you ever given up on a dream because you've listened to that 'little voice' in your head that tells you that you 'can't do it' or 'what's the point?' That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner 'mom' worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can't do it, what...

self-help, inner critic, work at home, law of attraction

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Have you ever given up on a dream because you've listened to that 'little voice' in your head that tells you that you 'can't do it' or 'what's the point?' That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner 'mom' worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can't do it, whatever it may be.

There are times when listening to your 'gut' comes in handy, but for the most part, what is perceived as a gut reaction is simply fear of failure or rejection before the event even takes place. How can you squelch your inner critic so that you can move on and build the business that you dream of?

According to Jennie England's article 'Make Friends With Your Inner Critic' from the direct sales resource 'Build It Big', there are steps you can take to transform your critic. First, listen to your inner voice and make a list of what you hear, elaborating on how you feel about each. Ms.England says that you should choose a response to what your critic tells you, and make a choice to ignore the negative. Remember to reaffirm your best qualities daily and you will 'reprogram' yourself to take your critic's suggestions as positive messages rather than constant negatives. 
 is a concept that is finding a huge following with work at home moms or women who simply desire to create a positive life of abundance. Although this idea is in no way new, the Law of Attraction is changing the lives of people in amazing ways. Whether you're a religious person or not, the basics are simple, you attract what you think. This theory too is another direction to follow for achieving your dreams and not allowing negativity to lead your life.

Choosing to challenge your 'little voices' and change your negative thinking will have an impact on every aspect of your life, creating positive habits that even your worst inner critic can't bring down.


sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck

Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck

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There is magic and mystery in the power of our mind, body, memories, and energy. Hear this perspective as I recall the power of these changes from earlier life memories and the power it brings to daily life - a radically changed life.

positive attitude,optimism,power of belief,faith,abundance,inspiration,purpose,passion,magic

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When I was a young man, even a teenager for that matter, I always had an optimism that was hard for others to overcome. Even in the midst of the all the negative influences from family and peers, this positive optimism was difficult to beat down. I was powerful, I was lucky, life was magic. I remember it like it was yesterday.

It didn't matter how many times I was chased home. It didn't matter how many times the girls bullied me. It didn't matter how many times my father beat me. It didn't matter how many times the teachers picked on me. I just knew; This is not it! There is more greatness to come!

When I was kicked out and made to join the military, I wasn't feeling particularly lucky at that time but I still had that positive attitude. Sure there was grief, and I knew, I just knew that there were still great things to come. I did my military service and got out and that pervasive optimism, while struggling for a while arose and pulled me into the most amazing journey within another set of circumstances that saw many wonderful things happen.

As I remember, my body begins to remember. There is an energy that lives inside the memory, it's not just the mind. I am lucky. Life is good. Great things will happen. This is exciting. What next? Bring it on. Even when the bad stuff happens, it's acceptance was easy. "Okay, that's okay, this will pass and even greater things are coming." That's all I had to say. More often than not, these statements have proven true, time and time again.

It's the power of your mind and body. The power of belief. The power of faith. The power of trusting. It's inside - not outside. Energize yourself, your body, your mind, keep checknig in, keeping boosting yourself. It's a game and so is life. There are no winners and losers; just you. Abundance is everywhere, there is plenty of love, money, opportunities, peace, and more to go around! Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.

I'm writing this today from the memory that has come alive in my body, not just a mind-memory. The outcome has been new friends, new opportunities, new clients, new energy, new aliveness, joy, and happiness. Not just with life - even more - with me, my purpose, my talent and gifts, and the embracing of this knowledge and truth.

If you find yourself strugglnig with those truths of yourself, look at the negative influences that pull you from peace and eliminate them from your life. Better to be alone and soar like an eagle than to be in the company of oppressors and jealousy that robs you of your magic, your inspiration, your value, your purpose, and your life.

A victim no longer, take responsibility for the choices, the people, the actions, that are keeping you prisoner to your fears. Time for freedom, for love, for magic, for purpose and passion. Live out loud! Love freely!


Career Move! From Shelf Filler to Manager

Career Move! From Shelf Filler to Manager

Word Count:

What do you want out of life?  Do you like what you do?  Are you in a job which gives you little satisfaction or one which gets you leaping out of bed with enthusiasm in the morning?

Do you see yourself as a leader or one of the pack?

Compare two vastly differing approaches to work and their impact on the future.  Ask yourself what impact is my approach to work going to have on my future?

motivation, future potential, positive attitude, leadership, problem solver, taking the initiative, job satisfaction,

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Are you in a dead end job?  Are you fed up with low pay and long hours?  Are you bored and want to do something more interesting? Do you want to be the person telling others what to do rather than being the one taking orders?

You can make it happen!  if you are determined enough.

Consider the two alternatives, which one works for you?

Arrives late for work on a regular basis, usually chewing gum.  Looks untidy, hair unkempt, nail varnish peeling and skirt very short.  Only smiles and laughs loudly with  her mates.  Speaks to customers as little as possible.  When asked if there is a top in another size.  Answers "I don't know" or "if it isn't there we haven't got any"

Shows no interest on what needs to be done.  Makes excuses to skive off when ever possible. 

Does just enough to get by.  Never takes the initiative.  Walks past difficulties, doesn't see them or want to see them.  A jar has broken leaving glass and jam all over the floor.

Is uncooperative or moody and sometimes both.  Constantly complains that things aren't right, its not fair, out of order!

Boss sees no potential so takes little interest in her development.  Job remains dead end, she gives little and gets no job satisfaction in return.  Can't wait to leave. 

What lies ahead…..another dead end job 

Arrives on time, looking neat and tidy, ready for the days work.  Knows the company policies about dress code and behaviour and follows them.  Is always polite, friendly and professional. 

Makes customers feel valued, is helpful and tries to sort out any problems.  "I'll show you where they are"  " They are out of stock but I can order one for you", I'll go and find out if we have any"

Is interested in how things operate.  Asks relevant questions. Takes on her fair share of the work, offers to help others when it is appropriate.  Takes a pride in doing things well. 

Anticipates things, takes appropriate action. Thinks abut health and safety so blocks off the area and clears it up or reports it to the appropriate person. 

Comes across as pleasant and professional even when having personal problems.  If there is a problem, she goes to the right person, explains the difficulty and offers a suggestion about how the problem might be solved. 

Goes to see the manager, expresses an interest in developing a career in the company.  Asks for the opportunity for training.  Takes each opportunity and makes the most of it. 

Manager sees the potential invites her to join the trainee manager scheme. 
Undertakes on the job training and rises through the ranks.

Manages her own store.

What do you want out of life?

Opportunities are what you make them.  You have to take responsibility for your  present and your future.  Think about how you behave and how others see you.

If you don't like your present job think about what you really want out of life.   The choice is yours!


viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Burning Desire -- Golden Key or Red Herring?

Burning Desire -- Golden Key or Red Herring?

Word Count:

Acres of Diamonds... you've heard the famous story. A farmer hears tales of diamonds and begins dreaming of vast riches. He sells his farm and hikes off over the horizon. But strangely, the guy with the burning desire and the grand vision ended up disappointed and broke. And the one who just wanted to do some farming got the riches. Was this just another little prank by a mischievous Universe? Or is it possible to get good things with only mild desire -- maybe even a calm indifference?

diamonds, desire, burning desire, riches, affirm, programming, power, key, control

Article Body:
Acres of Diamonds... you've read the famous story, or at least had it related to you.

A farmer hears tales of diamonds and begins dreaming of vast riches. He sells his farm and hikes off over the horizon, never to be heard from again. Rumors say that years later he died destitute, never having found the diamonds he spent his life seeking.

Meanwhile, the man who bought that farm found a large and "interesting looking" stone in a stream that ran through the property. He put the stone on his mantle where a visitor recognized the large stone as a rough diamond.

It turned out to be the Hope Diamond, the largest such stone ever found. That stream bed was littered with diamonds, and the new owner became fabulously wealthy. No doubt he also lived happily ever after.

But doesn't something in that story set strangely with you?

What about the guy with the burning desire and the grand vision? He ended up disappointed and broke, dying far from his family and friends. Not a happy ending.

Meanwhile, the guy who just wanted to do some farming got all the riches. Make no mistake, the new owner already had money, or he could not have bought the land. There's nothing in this story to make us think he was dreaming about riches, vast or otherwise. No burning desire. But he got the goodies.

Was this just another little prank, courtesy of a mischievous Universe?

Or is it possible to get good things coming your way with only mild desire -- maybe even a calm indifference?

Many inspirational writers, including Napoleon Hill, have assured us that a burning desire is one of the prerequisites of acquiring a fortune. I've even said it myself, although I added the qualifier that the powerful desire is not so much for the Universe. It's for you, to help you overcome and battle past your own doubts and resistances.

But haven't you seen people who seem to coast into good things, like the farmer who found the Hope Diamond? I've known people like that. In fact, after I'd been in Japan for a while and had set up a "channel" for business to flow through, I could just think about receiving more money, and I'd get an immediate surge of business within hours.

This pattern went on for 16 or 17 years, till I shut down my writing and editing business. So it wasn't an occasional fluke.

Now, I must admit I had a burning determination to stay in Japan, and for the first year or two I never knew if things would work out for me or not. Then, things started shifting my way, and they stayed that way. Why?

Truthfully, I don't think the deciding factor was the desire. Lots of people come here to Japan, but never quite find out how to stay. Many, many foreigners who come here end up losing their toehold and slinking back home.

On the other hand, the ones who do stay are often not especially hard working, dedicated, sensible or qualified. More than one long-time English teacher or copywriter remains here because they enjoy the hard drinking culture, the many women who like foreigners, or the feel of being a round peg in a square hole.

Achieving their dream doesn't appear to have a lot to do with burning desire.

Instead, it seems to be more a matter of what they can allow themselves to have. Some people call this a sense of deserving. Others call it a sense of entitlement. No matter what term you use, it's basically the same thing. Either way, it's governed by who you think you are and what circumstances you accept as appropriate for you.

In other words, it all starts from who you are in your own mind.


Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships

Word Count:

It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.

Life coach, coach, coaching, change, self help, goals, goal setting, success, succeed, inspiration

Article Body:
One of the keys to reaching your goals is to eliminate any escape routes. It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.

When striving towards a goal, you must focus on what you want to obtain and avoid the impulse to go back to what you know and to what is comfortable. When Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico, one of his first orders to his men was to burn the ships. Cortez was committed to his mission and did not want to allow himself or his men the option of going back to Spain. By removing this option, Cortez and his men were forced to focus on how they could make the mission successful.

Eliminating an escape route creates a compelling reason to focus on the goal and to keep moving forward. However, it is important to keep in mind that although Cortez had his men burn the ships, he did not have them burn the food and supplies. Cutting off an escape route to increase motivation and create the desire to press on where you might otherwise give up is totally different from throwing caution to the wind and taking undue risks. Reaching your goals still requires prudent planning and managing. All goals contain a certain degree of risk, but it isn't necessary to create undue risk and stress by not properly planning and thus lacking the necessary tools and supplies to achieve your goal. Take risks, but don't be careless or foolish and simply hope that everything will be okay.

Before you decide to burn your ships, make sure you have the supplies and tools necessary to achieve the goal. Something like quitting your job might sound like a good way to close the escape route, but it might also be a fast way to bankruptcy if you don't have resources to carry you through. Creating a savings account balance or having a journey job (a job that is a stepping stone to what you really want) allows you to take the risk of leaving your current job without creating undue risk. I once took a six-month leave of absence from a job while I was deciding if I wanted to move to a different state. Although it was difficult making the transition as I was very homesick, once I found a job in my new location, I resigned from the job I had waiting for me because I knew it would be too tempting to go back.

Close off the escape routes and make sure that you have a compelling reason to move forward. However, at the same time, make sure that you plan for the risk and have the tools, supplies and resources you need to achieve your goals. You can't eliminate risk but you can plan for it. Don't just jump in without thinking through the process and having a solid plan for moving forward.


lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Break Through Self-Doubt and Fear

Break Through Self-Doubt and Fear

Word Count:

Self-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we get started.

Self-doubt, fear, setting goals, goal setting, success, personal development, self-esteem

Article Body:
Self-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we get started.
While many people experience self-doubt and fear at some point in their lives, they take action anyway. Others remain stuck, or are confident in only one area of their life, such as work. They are too afraid to try new things like going back to school, entering new relationships or learning new skills.
When we let self-doubt and fear rule our lives, we miss opportunities. We predict and believe that nothing good will happen to us, so we don't try anything new, and refuse to take even low-level risks. This leads us to discount people or situations that could help us reach our goals. While self doubt and fear can come in different forms and from different sources, we can learn to break through them. 
the vicious cycle of self-doubt and fear
I know what it's like to live with self-doubt and fear. For years my life was ruled by these feelings. I grew up in a lower income family in the Bronx, New York. I heard over and over again that people like us could never really be successful.
As early as kindergarten my teacher told my mother I was slow and not to expect too much from me. I was put in the slow-learners class. In reality, I was very smart but bored. My next teacher recognized this and moved me from the slow-learners class to the the advanced class. But I still had my voices telling me: "You'll never make it. You'll never be popular". I felt I wasn't as good as other people because I didn't have the money and nice clothes that some of the other girls had. I was also shy and not in the popular crowd. I internalized outside messages and became a troublemaker.
My parents viewed my education as a pathway for becoming a teacher, social worker or civil servant. They limited my vision and left me believing that I didn't have a choice in what I wanted for my future. I couldn't understand how people became successful at something. But others saw potential in me. I was encouraged to study journalism and was placed in a special writing program. It could have been an incredible opportunity. Instead, I listened to my fears that I'd never make it, so I left the program and pretended that I didn't care.
Later, I got accepted to the High School of Performing Arts in New York. Acting had always been my dream, despite the fact that people said my "blue collar" Bronx accent would keep me from success. My parents loved me but didn't know how to give me support. They told me it was good to go to Performing Arts but that being an actor was out of reach for me. Rather than focus on the fact that I had gotten accepted to this wonderful school, I focused on the negative. My perception was that everyone else was wealthier, more experienced and more talented than me. I told myself: "You're not as good as everyone else. If you try and don't make it, you'll look like a fool. But if you don't try, you can still be cool." I pretended that I didn't really want to act. I didn't try, and I sabotaged myself. I felt like I had no one to talk to about my ambition. Eventually, I gave up trying and left. I told everyone, including myself, that it didn't matter. But the truth is, I had been afraid to try.
I spent the next two years in another high school, where I used drugs daily and became an addict. I still managed to do well on tests and graduated from high school at age 16. None of that meant anything to me, because by that time I had such low self-esteem, I thought if I could do it, it must be easy. I continued to feel that I was never good enough. My life was defined by what other people thought of me.
I had other opportunities. I was approached on the street by a magazine photographer and became a model at one of the top agencies in the world. I still carried my negative messages and told myself I couldn't do it. I still felt that I was unattractive and couldn't conceive of success. I gave up and dropped out. I just didn't believe in my ability to accomplish anything.
I tried moving to Eugene, Oregon because I blamed my problems on where I lived and the people in my life. In one year I managed to gain over 90 pounds and get addicted to coffee, cigarettes and other substances. I blamed everyone else for my lack of money, healthy relationships and happiness. I lived in constant fear but was afraid to admit it.
My self-destruction finally resulted in a breakdown of my physical health and I had to be hospitalized and undergo major surgery. Doctors told me what I already knew: I had to make a major change. It was time to look at my past and my present and to decide what I wanted for my future. If I didn't break through negative thoughts I would always stay where I was.
<b>making positive changes</b>
I had to learn to change my attitude about myself. I read about and talked to people who had broken through their self-doubts and taken control of their lives. I got support from others and consciously began turning my destructive self-talk into constructive self-talk. I knew that if I took certain actions, my mind and emotions would follow. I let go of people who negatively influenced my life. I told myself that I was important, and began to plan and achieve my goals. I learned to have faith in my ability. I quit smoking, gave up coffee, and began exercising and eating well. The people I spent time with were also making positive changes in their lives. My life began to improve. I no longer saw myself as a victim. I learned to let go of blame and started taking small risks. I stopped comparing myself to other people and began to open up to new
Today I have a successful speaking and consulting business. I have close friends, and a wonderful son. Learning from my life and others, I'm raising him to believe in himself, understand his feelings, and not be afraid of his fears. I travel throughout the country talking to corporations, associations and other organizations.
If you need help overcoming feelings of self-doubt and fear, please read these ten techniques and processes that have helped me get to this place in my life.
1. Make a list of your fears. Only by admitting that they exist can you seek solutions.
2. Write down how these fears affect your life.
3. Become aware of the voices in your head and write down those negative messages.
4. Start building a support system of friends and eliminate people from your life who foster feelings of negativity.
5. Join a support group of people who have similar issues.
6. Change each negative message to one that is affirming and constructive.
7. Read books that help you feel better about yourself.
8. Be aware of your past, and be willing to let go of it.
9. List your goals and the actions you need to achieve them.
10. Take one of those actions every day. Each time you do something that brings you closer to achieving your goals you will feel better about yourself.
When fears and self-doubts come back, and they still do, I break through them by using the tools and skills I've learned and now teach. They work.


Bouncing Back From Difficult Times

Bouncing Back From Difficult Times

Word Count:

Life happens. It doesn't matter how positive an attitude you have or how balanced and centered you are, there are going to be times when you are knocked down. Ties when your carefully organized life is turned upside down and you get knocked on your rear end. Life happens.

You will no doubt experience serious illness in either yourself or someone close to you. You may be challenged with the loss of a loved one, a divorce or perhaps the loss of a job or any number of situati...

troubled times, recovery, motivation, life\'s challenges

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Life happens. It doesn't matter how positive an attitude you have or how balanced and centered you are, there are going to be times when you are knocked down. Ties when your carefully organized life is turned upside down and you get knocked on your rear end. Life happens.

You will no doubt experience serious illness in either yourself or someone close to you. You may be challenged with the loss of a loved one, a divorce or perhaps the loss of a job or any number of situations that will leave you feeling like you were kicked in the stomach.

Let's face it. These things will happen. They're part of life and no matter how you try to explain them away with the idea that, "everything happens for a reason," they hurt. A lot! They hurt at the very core of your being. The pain begins in your heart and radiates throughout your entire being. Repeating positive phrases does not make it stop hurting.

At times like these, you're going to feel down, even depressed. You probably feel anger or some other manifestation of your pain. Whatever you're feeling, it's ok. It's ok to feel hurt, sad, angry or whatever your true feelings are. You cannot deny pain any more than can deny fear. The only way through either of them is to give yourself permission to feel the feeling.

The question is not whether or not you will feel down. The question is for how ling will you stay in this state?

The difference between people who get through life's challenging moments, regardless of the seriousness, and those who are immobilized by the events is what I call the "Bounce factor."

How quickly can you bounce back? Of course, the severity of the event will have a lot to do with the time it will take you to get past the pain and on with your life.

Take the example of two people being downsized from their high technology jobs, something that is becoming a natural occurrence these days. One, whom we'll call John, is floored by the news of his dismissal. He expresses his pain by becoming angry at the company, his co-workers and the system in general. He spends his days telling anyone who'll listen, about his "problem." Usually from a bar stool.

As he sees it, his life is ruined and he's blaming everyone for his troubles. People who react like John spend weeks, even months, wallowing in despair until, if they're fortunate, someone close to them convinces them to seek professional help.

Mary, on the other hand, reacts much differently. Although she has gone through the same experience as John and has pretty much the same issues like living expenses, etc., she chooses to react differently.

After a brief period of feeling a loss of self-esteem, self-pity and anger, Mary decides to get back in the game. She begins contacting her network of colleagues and co-workers, avails herself of the outplacement services her former employer offered everyone and starts actively looking for a new position. In a short time, Mary finds her "dream job" with an exciting new company.

While both people in our hypothetical example Had the same experience and both went through a period of hurting, the time each allowed themselves to remain in that dis-empowering state was vastly different. While John remained "stuck" in his problem, Mary handled her loss and moved on with her life.

This is the key. It's not whether life occasionally puts you into a tailspin, it's how long you remain there.

When something devastating happens to you, allow yourself some time to grieve your loss, however, don't allow yourself to get stuck there. Take some action. Join a support group, talk about your feelings with a trusted friend or your spiritual advisor. If necessary, seek professional help.

In the case of a job loss, perhaps you want to take some time to re-evaluate your career goals. You may even consider a change in fields. When you're ready, you can begin networking and making new contacts. Attend social or church events. Call people you know. Do something!

One of the most important things to remember in high stress situations is not to allow yourself to isolate. While spending some time alone is normal, even necessary, isolation can be dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Get out and be with people as soon as possible. As a friend recently reminded me, "life is for the living." It's important to get back to your life. In time, the pain will pass.


sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

Benjamin Franklin's method of habit formation

Benjamin Franklin's method of habit formation

Word Count:

Was Ben Franklin the Inventor of the daily planner? What ever the case you can stand to learn a lot from this great American achiever.

motivate, goal, inspirational, inspire, how to, success, guide, information, ben franklin, america, hope, succeed, help, self, change, ket to success, better person, happiness, win

Article Body:
Benjamin Franklin, inventor, statesman, writer, publisher and economist relates in his autobiography that early in his life he decided to focus on arriving at moral perfection. He made a list of 13 virtues, assigning a page to each. Under each virtue he wrote a summary that gave it fuller meaning. Then he practiced each one for a certain length of time.

To make these virtues a habit, Franklin can up with a method to grade himself on his daily actions. In a journal he drew a table with a row for every virtue and a column for every day of the week. Every time he made a fault, he made a mark in the appropriate column. Each week he focused his attention on a different virtue. Over time, through repetition, he hoped to one day experience the pleasure of "viewing a clean Book."

He says that he carried out this personal examination for years. In order to do the work thoroughly he decided to attempt each virtue and a quarter of its importance - one at a time. He began with temperance, which included the moderating of every pleasure or inclination to develop undesirable habits, because temperance "tends to procure that coolness and clearance and head that is so necessary where constant vigilance is to be kept up and guard maintained against the unremitting attraction of ancient habits and the force of perpetual temptations."

The other virtues practice in succession by Franklin were silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, Justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility. For the summary order he followed a little scheme of employing his time each day. From five to seven each morning he spent in bodily personal attention, saying a short prayer, thinking over the day's business and resolutions, studying and eating breakfast. From eight till twelve he worked at his trade. From twelve to one he read or overlooked his accounts and dined. From two to five he worked at his trade. The rest of the evening until 10 he spent in music, or diversion of some sort.

This time is used also to put things in their places. In the last thing before retiring was examination of the day. At the age of 79, he ascribed his health to temperance; the acquisition of misfortune to industry and frugality; the confidence of his country to sincerity and justice.

Franklin's extraordinary success in life and politics can be attributed to his perseverance to overcome his personal liabilities, and his desire to constantly become better.

Next time you really want to achieve something, take time to focus on your own personal journal. What is your temptation that is standing in your way to greatness? What can you do to form the habit of becoming a success?


Believing is the Absence of Doubt

Believing is the Absence of Doubt

Word Count:

For example, if your desire is to attract your ideal client, or your ideal relationship, then you could ask yourself: "Is there anyone on the planet who has attracted their ideal client?"

Yes, there are millions of people on the planet who have attracted their ideal clients.


law, attraction, deliberate, allowing, possible, desires, determine, doubt, resistance,

Article Body:
You've heard the expression, "Just believe it and it will come." Well, technically, that is true, however, 'believing' is not just thinking that you can have it; it is also feeling that it is possible. When we believe that we can "have it," that means we have no doubt in receiving it.

In the formula for Deliberate Attraction:

(1) Identify Desire

(2) Raise the Vibration (feeling)

(3) Allow it

the allowing of your desire can come to you very quickly providing you have no resistance to receiving it.

Resistance = Doubt

When you remove the 'doubt' that you can have what you want, you are allowing and that is how it can come to you.

Tools for allowing:

There are a number of tools, techniques and strategies that can help you remove the doubt (resistance). Here is one that I like best.

Ask yourself this question:

"Is there anyone on the planet doing or having what you desire?"

For example, if your desire is to attract your ideal client, or your ideal relationship, then you could ask yourself: "Is there anyone on the planet who has attracted their ideal client?"

Yes, there are millions of people on the planet who have attracted their ideal clients.


And when it feels possible, you have removed doubt.

And when you remove the doubt, the universal Law of Attraction can bring your desires to you.

When using the formula for Deliberate Attraction, spend most of your time "Allowing," as it determines how quickly, or slowly, your desires will come to you.